Our daycare center in Chicago, Illinois teaches your child basic life skills through the exploration of fun-filled, stimulating activities. These will challenge them to conquer the world, as well as nourish their view of their own self as a successful, skillful, and unique individual.
Exploring the environment and accessing stimulating activities are the fundamental building blocks upon which children learn and develop cognitive reasoning. Our curriculum builds upon these experiences, seeing their incorporation as the most effective way to develop the long-term critical thinking and social skills necessary for school and life beyond.
Specifically, we offer the following programs:
Hours of Operation
Ages: 6 Weeks to 6 Years-old
Monday – Friday
Ages: 2 – 10 Years-old
Monday – Friday
(Special accommodations for siblings up to age 12 of students participating in our Day School Program or Evening School Program.)
Monday – Wednesday
Parent Participation
Research has proven that children are more successful learners when their parents are actively involved in their learning, both at home and at school. To support parents as partners, we encourage families to be involved in their child’s educational process. Suite Little Feet offers an open-door policy, allowing parents to visit and participate in our programs at all times, fostering a sense of openness and inclusion. Additionally, some of our events will require assistance from our parents.
Suite Little Feet is closed during all major holidays including:
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day and the Day After
- Winter Break (last week of December through the first week of January)
- MLK Day
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day and the Day After
Get in Touch
To know more about us and how we can be of help to you and your children, you may leave us a message at any time